Shell Rimula R4 X on loodud pakkuma kolmekordset kaitset, et parandada mootori ja õli vastupidavust. See aitab vähendada hooldust ja suurendada sõidukite töökindlust. Ta sobib enamusele rasketehnika diiselmootoritele nii maanteel kui ka teedeta maastiku rakendustes.
Shell Helix HX8 ECT C3 uses advanced emissions-compatible technology that helps to keep diesel particulate filters clean to help maintain engine performance. It helps to reduce engine frictions to provide enhanced fuel economy.
Fully synthetic motor oil based on PurePlus Technology. Designed to meet the demanding requirements of particular high-performance engines, including VW, Audi and Porsche.
Fully synthetic motor oil based on PurePlus Technology. Designed to meet the demanding requirements of particular high-performance engines, including General Motors and those requiring API SN or ACEA C3.