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Safety Data Sheets and specifications

Shell product catalog image

  • In order to download Shell product Safety Data Sheets and Specifications  please go to, choose English) and click Continue
  • On next page  choose  Region/Markets Estonia (Select from the list below Region/Markets), as then you would be offered specific country language documents next to English documents . For Latvian or Lithuanian text documents , please choose Latvia or Lithuania

region and markets image

  • Choose search with  Product Name

product name image

  • Edit part of the search text for example  "Helix Ultra ECT"  and click Search

Helix Ultra ECT image

  • As a result, you should get choice of search matching records:


  • For Material Safety Data Sheets in Estonian language , choose ET at column MSDS , after which you would be directed to new page.  For Technical Data Sheets choose from  TDS column matching record
  • Confirm the disclaimer by  Accept button


  • New window will open with Document link. Click on link to download it in .pdf format


  • Click on link to download it in .pdf format MSDS example will look like this  Helix Ultra ECT 0W-30. TDS will look like this example TDS.